In the past few weeks, I’ve been posting some videos in which I relate some of the key girl-getting concepts that I shared with a student during a one-on-one consult. Today, let’s continue the conversation with this video on how to develop your “rehearsal strategy.” Click below to watch, then leave your comments: breakthrough3 Peace […]

Ok guys. You liked the clip of the Cobra. So here is my video Skype interview with her, part I. Let me know your thoughts below. interviewwithacobra1 P.S. With what I teach throughout the 7 DVDs and 11 CDs of my Speed Seduction® 3.0 Course, I give you the girl-getting skills you’ll need to remain […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, Two hours into the MindFrame Persuasion® launch and we’re CRUSHING it! I just got off the phone with the manager of my warehouse and had to approve an emergency printing so we can keep them flying out the door. In all the excitement of the launch, there’s something I […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, We’re open now for registration so you can use this link to claim your copy of the MindFrame Persuasion® course right here http://www.MindFramePersuasion.com/getthecourse Get in now, because we’re only open until noon Pacific tomorrow! Need help with your order? E-mail orders@mindframepersuasion.com or call (323) 252-1531. RJ