Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, Over on the MindFrame Persuasion® blog I just posted my video on Persuasion’s THIRD forbidden secret. Click the Play button below to watch now and then add your comments on the MindFrame blog: Peace and piece, RJ

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, To learn about persuasion’s SECOND forbidden secret, watch this video I just posted for you: In this video, you’ll learn a key understanding that can make the difference between being an “Obi wan” instead of an “oh, be gone!” when it comes to getting others to do as you […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, I guess I was too “persuasive” in my last email because so many of you guys ran to watch the video, our servers went “BLEECH”. But thanks to Adam, my cracker-jack operations guy, we are back up and running, so you can give the video a good watching again. […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, I just posted the first of a series of videos on my new blog about the “Forbidden” Secrets of Persuasion. Click the Play button below to watch (and then tell me what you think): This is the real stuff-the deep, underlying code that makes powerfully persuading anyone in any […]