What To Leave Out Of Your Sarging brought to you by Livescribe Leave your comments below! RJ P.S. If you don’t have your copy of Speed Seduction® 3.0, you could be making so many mistakes with women that you might as well be wearing pussy repellant. Click here to learn how you can recognize the […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, This Sunday, March 28, 2010 – for 4 hours starting at 12:00 Noon Pacific – you will have the chance to call me live on my cell phone and ask any two questions about getting girls in your bed. To learn how to get the secret cell phone number […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, It’s been two days since I announced my Seriously Sick Live Learning Season Pass. Several of you have already taken me up on the offer. I’ve also been getting a ton of questions about the Season Pass, so let me answer all of you now. Question: Ross, what exactly do I […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, I’ve just come up with something so fantastic for you guys, that it’s going to have the Seduction/PUA community shitting in their “peacocked” pants. Go watch this video to find out how you can get an incredible opportunity to learn with me live, that includes a year of coaching, admission to […]