Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In my 20+ years as a Seduction teacher and coach, I’ve waged battle with the “programming” that is put into the minds of smart guys like you about the “proper way” to “date” or “court” a woman. You’ve heard all this, or something like it, before: Take her for coffee on […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, It’s just five days until this Sunday’s (November 22) “Afternoon With Ross Jeffries“. For about the cost of dinner for two, which you’ll be paying for less and less of to get laid once you start maximizing my teachings in your girl-getting game, I will work directly, live, and in-person with […]

Dear Speed Seduction Fans And Students, Years ago, on Fox TV, there was a series called “Secrets of Magic Exposed”. It stared a guy dubbed, “The Masked Magician” who revealed how some of the most popular and historical stage magic illusions worked. In that vein, I want to continue with my expose of some of […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students and Fans, What you are about to read should really piss you off. Here is why: There are guys out there in the seduction/pick-up community who are picking your pockets using some very devious, marketing scams and cons. They are treating you guys who fall for this crap like their […]