Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I just spoke with my marketing manager, and it’s possible I forgot to mention something about today’s launch of the “The Best of Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction® Coaching Program, Volume 1” which is going on right now at http://www.seduction.com/bestofrossjeffries/ Here goes: SPECIAL BONUS OPPORTUNITY FOR THE FIRST 100 PEOPLE TO INVEST […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, I just opened the doors to “The Best Of Ross Jeffries’ Speed Seduction® Coaching Collection, Volume 1!” Click here to claim yours now: http://www.seduction.com/bestofrossjeffries/ Remember, there are a ton of action-packed bonuses, that I am throwing in for FREE. Right now there are about 25,000 smart guys like you […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, I’ve picked the 5 top posters, each of whom wins a free set of the “Best of RJ, Volume 1″. 2 DVDS, 18 CDS of my best stuff from the first 6 months of my Elite Seduction Coaching Program. The winners are: Ilovewomen Matt Wilson Saintsfan20 Caron_400 Zzz573 If you are […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, As promised, here is video #3 of 3-your last sneak peak preview of the 30 videos contained in the Best of RJ, Volume 1, which we will officially launch on Thursday, Nov 12 at 12 Noon Pacific. [viddler id=de88710a&w=437&h=370] Notice how I point out to this student how the system of […]