Dear About To Be Blatantly Teased Speed Seduction(R) Students, Between this coming Sunday, Nov 8, and Wed, Nov 11, I’ll be posting three, free, chick-pulling, babe-bedding videos that you are going to have to watch. Yes, it’s true that each of these videos contains great info that you can go out and pull chicks with […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I’m at my most creative and inspired when I am helping a student solve actual challenges. In fact, three of the patterns and mantras I have shared lately were direct solutions to specific girl-getting situations that two of my students were claiming mastery of. [To work with me directly, in person, […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, The other day on my blog, I shared with you one of the greatest fears faced by many of my students, a fear far worse than the goriest Halloween costume. That is, the fear of hitting a slump, or the worry that can set in when after approaching several women, he […]

Learn EVEN MORE Of My Best Seduction Secrets With Me Live, In Person, On Sunday, November 22! Dear Speed Seduction® Student, The “Afternoon With Ross Jeffries” event that we held on October 25 was such a smashing success that we’re ABSOLUTELY doing it again. So join me on Sunday, November 22, 2009 from 1:00 PM […]