Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Happy Halloween! I know a lot of you are getting ready to head off to your Halloween parties and Sarge on all the hotties in their kinky nurse and exotic dancer costumes. Quick tip: Taking a woman to a “haunted house” is a great way to get her in bed, as […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, Whether you want to have more success when it comes to how to pick up women, how to approach women, how to seduce women or how to get them into bed, everyone keeps repeating the same old mantra: “Confidence is the key”. The problem is that “confidence” can and does have […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In my regular “Steaming Hot Seduction Secrets” that I send you several times a week as part of your Speed Seduction® experience, I share powerful principles for Seduction success. Often times I respond directly to a question e-mailed to me by one of my students, about a particular situation or challenge […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, My girl-getting solution is called Speed Seduction® because it helps smart guys like you cut through all the crap that’s been programmed into you about “dating rituals” and the “5 Bs”, and instead spend a far greater percentage of your time enjoying women you truly desire, and who desire you right […]