Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, Who says when you want to pick up women, it has to be done under ideal circumstances? I keep saying that the key to pick up and seduction success isn’t any particular line, but rather the frame of mind you can create for yourself and the attitude you take towards and […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Yesterday on my blog, I told you about my student who had sex with the super-squirting babe who dried up and flaked on a planned meeting. 24 hours before their next scheduled meeting, she texted him with this: “I have to cancel our plans for tomorrow. I totally forgot about a […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Time and again, something that starts out so hot, can turn cold fast in an instant, and for no logical reason. Many students of mine report that their initial meeting with incredibly hot, horny, WET women goes extremely well – but then, too soon, she dries up, flakes out, and leaves […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, We’re just six days away from my very first “Afternoon With Ross Jeffries” to be held Sunday, October 25. In what is the first of (hopefully) many of these, I’ll spend four power-packed hours learning the latest seduction/pick-up/personal change breakthroughs. It is a small group and a few lucky participants will […]