Hey Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, Real quick. Over the past couple weeks, my team and I have been busy pulling together an awesome new resource that will be hitting the streets this week. A lot of you have been asking me to deliver my teachings in a new way, and we have answered. Wednesday […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As a teacher, I am dedicated to helping smart guys like you apply Speed Seduction® toward all girl-getting situations. For you, it’s a matter of you mastering my teachings and applying them to your own situation to make life work for you. Now…what happens when you want one thing…but she has […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, From time to time, I will hear from a Speed Seduction® student who is in a slump. He’s had a lot of success with women, and usually has no problem overcoming his fears, confidently approaching women, and using my teachings to get them dripping wet with desire. But, sometimes guys get […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Recently on my blog, I delved into the concept that picking up the women you desire should become a part of who you are. In baseball, the pros make a grand slam look easy because, to them, “hitting it out of the park”… …is no big deal. But until you do […]