Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Recently on my Twitter channel, someone asked me, “I just broke up with my girlfriend. How did you get over your break up so fast? Two years is a long time to date someone.” Now in case you don’t know, this guy is talking about the fact that I recently ended […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, My most successful students are those who apply my girl-getting teachings to their own situation in a way that works best for them. When they come back and teach the community – and me – what they’ve come up with, it creates more success for all of us. That’s what it’s […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Doesn’t it feel AWESOME when an attractive woman approaches YOU? When you use my tips, tools, and strategies for approaching women, you’ll find that women become more receptive, more open, and more likely to attack you in a fit of passion, lust, and desire. On the other hand, some women will […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Becoming a Speed Seduction® master, like so much else in life, takes practice. When it comes to approaching women, for example, no matter how much you enjoy the results from what I teach in my Gold Walk-Up DVD, the clearest path to mastery is always going to be keeping yourself in […]