Dear Seeker of Success, A major theme that rears its ugly head in almost any discussion on seduction is the concern about looking “too eager” or approaching a woman with the vibe that how your day turns out depends on how she responds to you right now. Act TOO eager and she’ll think you’re desperate […]
Dear Seeker of Success, A little Monday Macking Motivation for you 🙂 I love this stuff so much, I couldn’t even wait to finish my coffee. WATCH: [HTML1] Peace, RJ P.S. As I say in the video, you are not alone anymore. With me PERSONALLY on your side and in your corner, that’s more true […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Maybe it seems like it will be a little TOO obvious… to her? Let’s say you’ve achieved sexualized rapport with a woman, when you feel a deep connection, and you know on the inside that this is one you want to reel in. You may begin using phonological ambiguities, suggestive language, […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Life gets in the way sometimes. How often do you meet a hottie, but there isn’t enough time to do a full Sarge before one of you has to go? Maybe you’re Sarging in an airport and her flight is about to board, six minutes after you met her at the […]