[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxIpcToOCq8[/youtube] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, This video is a swipe from one of my 4 monthly “Answers To Students” video modules that I custom create for members of my elite seduction coaching program. This student wanted some guidance on installing beliefs for learning and confidence with women. So I go over a total of 8 […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As you may know, I offer a very high-quality coaching program for those students smart enough to sign up. Part of that program includes monthly office hours; one Sunday out of each month I open up my cell phone for 90 minutes. The next 90 minutes after that, members can talk […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, It is an odd reality that when you first start learning to get good with women, you may wind up feeling even more frustrated and confused than before you started. The reason is pretty easy to understand: in the beginning, when you don’t know what to do, at least you are […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the things I teach in my Speed Seduction 3.0 Course is the crucial importance of screening women. When you demonstrate to a woman that you are willing to screen her out –that you have standards that go beyond simply her being hot looking-you convey that you have options, and […]