http://www.rjreplay.com Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, As you know, once a month, as a service to the seduction/pick up community, I do a live video broadcast seminar on the topics you guys vote to have me discuss. This recording is from yesterday’s live broadcast, and the subject is destroying approach anxiety. Enjoy and comment below. Peace […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, Just a reminder that tomorrow, Saturday the 16th, at 11AM Pacific Time, I’ll be hosting my monthly one hour live free video broadcast seminar on Ustream. This month’s topic: Destroying Approach Anxiety. Go here tomorrow: http://tinyurl.com/owsq3f Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Spread the word! And if you have questions on this […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, In this video from our May 8th consult, Bob reports that he is not doing the “put-on/humorous” approaches I assigned him to do. He’s showing a typical pattern; which is falling back on what he feels familiar with, what he calls “being sincere”. I’m going to push him here to go […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, As you can see, my consults with Basket Case Bob(the student who hasn’t been laid in 5 years) continue. The next few videos you are going to see are from my consult last week with Bob. In this segment, he describes how he got a make-out with the hottest girl in […]