Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, Hope you are enjoying this “Helping The Basket Cases” video log. In this video, I advise Bob on how I would have handled the girl he attempted to pick up. Note how I emphasize using her responses and developing them. Your comments, please. RJ P.S. Get me as your personal seduction […]

Dear Speed Seduction Students(R), I hope you are enjoying my video-log(shot with my FlipCam…hooray for FlipCam) of my efforts to transform my two seduction basket cases, Bob and Jesse. Here is part II of my first sit-down consult with Bob. I had given him the assignment of keeping a journal of his approaches and the […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, Over the years so many of you have asked me how you can use these fabulous Speed Seduction(R) tools to sell stuff, make money, talk or write people into buying your product, services, etc etc. In other words, you aren’t just horny. You are greedy, money-mad and ambitious. That is why […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, In this video of my first session with Bob, he tells his story of how he is deeply stuck. He can “open” women in lots of situations, but he virtually never gets to see them again. As you can see, he is experiencing a lot of confusion. I know you’ll find […]