Dear Speed Seduction(R) Fans and Students, This Saturday, at 3pm Pacific(6PM Eastern) I will be hosting a live video seminar/chat on the subject “Introduction To Day Game Mastery”. Now Speed Seduction(R) works anywhere, day or night, but Day Game does have a few subtle angles that make it much easier to successfully play. So join […]

Dear Very Patient Speed Seduction(R) Students, Please forgive the delay in posting the next videos in this series. We’ve had some major tech issues with the blog and the biz, but they are fixed now. Here is part 6. I talk about how these old patterns drive you into two bad responses: 1. Driving you […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students I bet you think I sit around and make this shit up, don’t you? Have a look at this video. It is a clip from a show I filmed way back in 2000. This version has POLISH subtitles. I guess the sun never sets on the Speed Seduction(R) empire. Peace and […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In the last issue, I talked about the first tip for making sure a woman never flakes on you: creating compelling reasons for her to want to see you. In this issue, I want to get to anti-flake tip #2, so here it is: Anti-Flake Insurance Policy Tip #2: Create Safety […]