Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, I’m having lots of fun on Ustream. So much so that, as an experiment, I’ve decided to do a live breakfast show every Friday for the next month to just see how you guys like it. This Friday on November 7 at 10AM, I’ll be doing “Breakfast With […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, It would be safe to say that I get some of the most interesting “fan mail” you could imagine. Most of it is from people praising the brilliance of my work and offering thanks for what it has done for them. And I’m grateful for that. Occasionally there is the request […]

[quicktime]https://www.seduction.com/blog/video/stylelifeteachingclip1.mov[/quicktime] What I’m teaching here is covered in my Nail Your Inner Game program. Suggest you check it out. Please tell me what you think of this clip. RJ

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, This will be the last installment of Operation Move The Free Line and I want to thank you all for making it a big success. As my parting gift, I am replaying the recording of the live 90 minute broadcast video seminar I did yesterday with students from all over the […]