[quicktime width=”400″ height=”320″]https://www.seduction.com/blog/video/oct2freemoviesmall.mov[/quicktime] Please give me your feedback on this one; note the little “pre-movie” presentation I included before the main feature. Peace and piece, RJ P.S. It is looking VERY much like my 3.0 course will go on sale October 30th..watch for an announcement very soon.

Ok guys, I’m really going to “get jiggy with it”. If you’ve been feeling a little “stuck in the mud” with your Speed Seduction(R) studies, I’ve got GREAT news. As part of Operation Move The Free Line, I’ll be holding a live, free, 90 minute, ask me ANYTHING, video seminar, on the internet. You can […]

[quicktime width=”400″ height=”320″]https://www.seduction.com/blog/video/freedomcontrolsmall1.mov[/quicktime] Notice how I use the theme of Freedom and Control to build on Kim’s responses. By the way, the question I asked her is, “When you really want to cut loose, escape and indulge yourself, what do you love to do?” Remember that any communication that opens up the deeper levels of […]

[quicktime width=”400″ height=”320″]https://www.seduction.com/blog/video/answertostudent1.mov[/quicktime] Guys, this video is a personal answer to a student on my member’s only Yahoo group. I’m thinking of including this kind of service in the coaching program that I’m THINKING of launching. What do you think of this? Please leave your comment below. RJ www.seduction.com/products/nailyourinnergamepromo.php