Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, Today I kick off with a total surprise: Operation Move The Free Line! In an effort to prove once and for all that Speed Seduction(R) is far and away the best system out there, and that I am far, far, far and away the best instructor, I am rolling out Operation […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, Last night as I was laying in bed with my smoking hot Swedish girlfriend, Pernilla, she turned to me and said: "Du ar min snuskig hummer". Translated from the Swedish, it means, "You are my filthy lobster". Now, I have no real idea what the actual meaning of that Swedish […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, There are few things as pleasant in this life as waking up next to a smoking hot 19 year old beauty who is as nuts about you as you are about her. My lovely Swedish girlfriend has returned to me, after being gone for 2 months, and I can tell you […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, In this video, I discuss one of the three aspects of consciousness I believe you must cultivate for massive success in any area of life that has been formerly frustrating and limiting. Of course, in this context, we mean success with women. But it could apply to any area of life […]