Dear Speed Seduction® Student, It is the opinion of many men, that women, by and large, are crazy. I do not share that opinion at all. For the most part, most women I’ve met and been with have been pretty sane and healthy, and maybe just a bit nutty enough to be interesting (as I […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In the last issue of this ongoing ezine series, I explained how getting her doing most of the talking is a key to you never running out of things to say and a good way to get her doing most of the seduction work. Now let’s get to tip #3: Secrets […]

Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In the last issue of the ezine series on Continuous Conversation I explained how turning down the lust and getting curious about her was crucial to never running out of things to say that also moves the seduction along. Let’s jump to the next Continuous Conversation Principle: Continuous Conversation Tip#2: Get […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student,This video blog post is about the important distinction between being clever and crafty in the use of your language and being sneaky in your seduction intent. I give some very good advice with word for word examples of how to quickly make your intent clear and direct with a woman in […]