Dear Speed Seduction (R) Student, If you follow the advice I am about to give you in the next few issues of this ezine, you will never again have to worry about running out of things to say or talk about with women. Now for those of you who have witnessed what a silver- tongued […]

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAwLYJYsa0A] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, Sometimes the truth comes to us in odd forms and odd ways, delivered by some very bent messengers. Case in point this hilarious video; this woman is clearly crazed, but she is also speaking truth. Enjoy, and let me know if you think YOU have “Penis Power” as she describes […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, As you know, I recently put up a 12 part Introduction To Speed Seduction(R) Language course on Youtube I’ve gone back to YouTube and added annotations to the videos; my personal notes and commentary on what I am teaching. You can get on my Youtube channel right now and watch them with the annotations; […]

Dear Speed Seduction Student(R) I am truly starting to hate Vacaville, CA. No-I take that back. Vacaville is not bad enough to hate. Hot. Boring. Air heavy with the smoke of nearby fires. But Vacaville I can only dislike. It is SAAB I am starting to hate. To fix the broken air conditioning compressor and […]