Dear Speed Seduction (R) Student, There isn’t a whole hell of a lot to do in Vacaville, CA. I know, because this is where I’m spending the last days of the 4th of July weekend. Here is the scoop: this weekend I thought I’d get the hell out of Marina del Rey and take a […]

Dear Speed Seducers(R) Not long ago, I released my 32 page report, “Ten Fatal Mistakes Men Make With Women”. I’ve gotten very good feedback on the report, and the coolest thing is, it shouldn’t take more than a minute per page to read it. So if you haven’t got it, go here right now to […]

Guys, As I promised, I am going back through the 12 part free Speed Seduction(R) video course on Youtube and adding in my personal commentary and notes. The second video is now ready. Just click to watch it on Youtube and please tell your friends about it. Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Please help me […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, I’ve decided to slowly, one at a time, re-open the Introductory Speed Seduction Language Video course on my YouTube channel with a big difference; I am adding my own personal notes and commentary to the recorded videos, using a new YouTube feature. If you play the video here on this blog, […]