Post updated Sunday, May 14, 2017. ————- Dear Seeker of Success, Today being Mother’s Day, I reflect on the fact that it’s been just over 10 years since my beloved mother, Sylvia’s, passing. That’s a picture of me with both my parents, circa 2003. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Reflecting on her […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In this video, I introduce you to a sample from a video inside the Day Game Mastery and Mindset Monster video collection that, when used properly, gives you what you need to enduce endless hypnotic orgasms in the women you truly desire and enjoy being with. This is intended for women […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Inside Secrets of Stealth Persuasion, the limited-time bonus you get when you claim your access to Day Game Mastery and Mindset Monster, I show you a major frame shift that applies to sales and marketing. As you’ll likely figure out immediately when you watch this 62-second clip now, the same principle […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Smart men who have claimed their instant access to Day Game Mastery and Mindset Monster are raving about the extended “Ross Plays With Girls” demo that demonstrates pick-up techniques, touches, and getting/staying focused in the presence of a gorgeous woman. First a few screenshots: So far so good? Now watch this […]