Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, I’ve been getting lots of questions, comments and flak about what went down on my Dr. Phil appearance last Friday. Let me jump ahead by saying what I find most interesting and most unexpected is not the usual fan-mail from students and hate-mail(many filled with delightful ethnic slurs and anatomically impossible […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students,Many of you know that I am a big comic book fan, and that I love Green Lantern.So it delights me to tell you that your Guru of Getting Some appears-sort of-in this month’s issue of Wonder Woman(issue #19 to be exact). The scoop is this: Bernie Chang, who is the inker/artist on […]

[youtube width=”425″ height=”335″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjtDRBp0Cq0[/youtube] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, It is amazing to me how many whining, snotty key-board jockeys have sent me hate-mail about my recent appearance on the Dr. Phil Show. If you missed it, you can probably find a link to the video somewhere on line. I don’t care to abuse someone else’s intellectual […]

“Any sufficiently developed technology would be indistinguishable from magic”…Arthur C. Clarke Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In the last issue of this series, I talked about the fatal mistake of not knowing how to transition from talking to getting physical with a woman. I gave you a link to an mp3 recording of a coaching session […]