Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, The lovely young woman you see here pretty much bookey-butt nude is none other than Ellen Muth, star of the hit series “Dead Like Me“. If I was given even half a chance, I’d bang her brains out, without a moment’s hesitation. If you are honest with yourself, you’d admit you […]

Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, Oh for the good old days when I was the only one doing this Pick-up/Seduction stuff. Can you believe that, back when I started in 1993(!) there was only one search engine; WebCrawler. There was no Google. No Yahoo. AltaVista was the big name on everyone’s lips as the soon to […]

Dear Speed Seduction Student, If you haven’t signed up for my upcoming Feb 15, 16, 17th seminar in Los Angeles, it is possible you are a completely self-defeating dumb-ass. Here is why: First of all, have a peek at this video of the incredible change work I did with Garrett, who came to my September […]

[youtube width=”425″ height=”335″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55dHlR723dg&feature=related[/youtube] Ten Steamy Days With A 19 Year Old Swede, Part II Lest you think I am a filthy, piggish, exploiter of young ladies, let me hit the ground running by telling you the following: I actually find myself deeply missing “Pernilla”. Making a list of her endearing qualities, here is what I […]