[youtube width=”425″ height=”335″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuYGLLnKB44[/youtube] Hey guys, Have a look at the video. It explains how I was just fired as the sex/dating columnist for the Laist.com blog because the politically correct writing staff threatened to quit if I wasn’t let go. Apparently the editor, Zach Behrens, is more interested in promoting group-think, consensus, and not OFFENDING […]

[youtube width=”425″ height=”335″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez4xTeqLvk4[/youtube] Guys, Enjoy this little promo; this show tried to do a hit piece, but it turned out to be in my favor. Peace and piece, RJ 93/93 P.S. My Nail Your Inner Game program is red-hot and selling out. Check it out here: http://www.speedseduction.biz/nailyourinnergamepromo.php

[youtube width=”425″ height=”335″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjUMZvLvzLQ[/youtube] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, Perhaps I should have entitled this blog post “Oh My God, I Popped Pippi”. But that would be disrespectful to the young lady I spent 10 glorious days with, whom I actually wound up deeply caring for and genuinely liking. She turned out to be one of the […]

Guys, Here is part I of a 4 part testimonial from James, who attended my London seminar and talks about how he went from virgin to sleeping with 16 women, including a steaming hot lesbian. James is a cool guy and if he can do it, you can do it! [youtube width=”425″ height=”335″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6KwmEY04Ko[/youtube] RJ P.S. […]