Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, God help me, but I actually enjoy watching Hannah Montana Before this seems to descend into perversion and twisted fantasy, let me just say there are some profound lessons in female psychology that explain the crazy popularity of this show and of Miley Cyrus(who plays “Hannah”). In case you didn’t know […]

Guys, the free 90 minute “Nail Your Inner Game” teleseminar/webcast is tommorrow! You can find out more about the new NYIG product or about the teleseminar and I hope to hear from you on the call/webcast.

Dear Speed Seduction Student, If you are an “older” guy then trying to “date” younger women is the dumbest, dumb-ass, idiotic thing you could even attempt to do. Listen: I just got this email from a guy who likes younger gals. Read on: “Like you I am a middle aged man who very much appreciates […]

We must support this important bill! Live From Congress: The Skull Fucking Bill Of 2007