Guys, This is a video response to a question/email from a student on the member’s only Yahoo group. He wanted to know how he could overcome his fear of approaching women and be “dominant”. Here is a video of my answer: RJ [youtube width=”300″ height=”260″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie3d79t1NcM[/youtube]

Hey guys, Anyone who gives you something for “nothing” probably has something up their sleeve and I am no exception. That is why I am SELFISHLY giving away a 90 minute recording of a power packed webinar/teleseminar I did titled, “How To Quadruple Your Seduction Success”-because I have an ulterior motive and here it is: […]

Well, this little hottie has an original song she recorded entitled, what else, Speed Seduction! Fast forward this video to 3:40. Angel..you are a little devil..care to give my forked tail a yank? [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8m1JML_1Eg[/youtube]

Dear Speed Seduction Student, Did you know that one of the worst movies ever made is responsible for thousands and thousands of men getting laid with super-hot women over the past 15 years? It’s true. Without the existence of this celluloid abortion…Speed Seduction(R) might never have existed. No moist pink relief for you guys. No […]