Dear Speed Seduction Fans, I can honestly and accurately say that I have never met a more diverse bunch of sociopaths, liars, creeps, back-stabbers and all out thieves than the guys I know in the Pick-Up/Seduction guru game. The vast majority of these folks(and I’ve met virtually all of them) have never put together an […]

Ross Jeffries Uncensored: But will it work on London-New York-Paris etc etc chicks?

Hey guys, Just fooling around here, I’ve installed userplane webchat on the blog so you can talk to one another(you have to sign up for a free userplane account) and also talk to me if I’m here on the blog. What I might do, for laughs, is announce informal chat sessions with me, from time […]

Double Plus Super Fuck You, I LOVE This Chick’s Music. The Muffs are my favorites! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGy60Dd7VD0[/youtube]