Dear Seeker of Success, Thanks (or no thanks) to the Romance Racketeers, there is this big production many guys feel necessary to get that first kiss. That moment, that buildup, to the end of the night, or the “date”… when the “magic” happens. What if I told you that was rubbish? Well, I’m telling you […]
Dear Seeker of Success, One of the most important components of Seduction is the “vibe” you put out there – meaning, how women perceive who you are and what you give to the world when you approach them. There will always be women who are simply unable or unwilling, for reasons that are not yours […]
Dear Seeker of Success, To ask how you can get more confidence with women is to bark up the wrong tree. Watch this brief clip, leaked from our soon-to-be-released “Day Game Mastery and Mindset Monster” course, for a new point of view. As you’ll see, this is going to be an especially enjoyable course to […]
(Edited April 27, 2017) Dear Seeker of Success, Today I want to talk about something that is often just not discussed. I have a student in my Elite Mastermind and Coaching Program who I would have to describe as successful in most areas of life. He’s extremely smart. He’s built his own successful business using […]