Dear Seeker of Success, A dilemma that many smart guys like you encounter is, you effortlessly approach a woman while she’s “living life” and powerfully use Speed Seduction® teachings to touch her inner desires and get her hot and bothered about you. Or so it may seem. Then, the next step – the meeting, the […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Recently I was watching a show on the History Channel – an oldie but a goodie. (No, this is NOT a pattern…although anything can be a pattern.) This was really truly something I was watching about Ancient Technology. How certain inventors came up with very very early (and usually not too […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Think about the implications of a few things for your future love life if you can master them. (And the terrible consequences if you don’t). Have you ever been totally devoted to a woman, only to get your teeth kicked in, your heart shattered and your dick frozen out? Have you […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In the past 25+ years, I can’t tell you how many times a student of mine has told me about a hot chick he KNOWS he could have scored, if only he knew she was single. He’ll tell me has no fear of approaching a woman and knows how to get […]