Dear Seeker of Success, Everybody has their own “Sarging zone.” For some guys, it’s the bars and clubs. Others lay their mack down at the bookstores and coffee shops. I have students who go grocery shopping every day, buying just what they need to make dinner that day, because it keeps them in play daily […]
Dear Seeker of Success, How often has a woman said “call me this weekend and we’ll see?” How vague! (And if you play into it, you lose.) Recently, a student asked me whether he should “strike while the iron is hot” or wait until Saturday. First, foremost, uppermost, and important-most: never call Saturday. It means […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Here in the States, we’re heading into Labor Day – the last major holiday weekend of the summer. Lots of parties, picnics… and hot women looking to fulfill their summer dreams before it’s time to pull out the parkas again. Knowing this… let me ask you… what’s it gonna be? Which […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Most guys have gotten what’s known in some circles as “the gesture” from a hot chick. You approach her, and before you get in two words, she makes this “waving-off” hand gesture like you’re a bug who’s swarming around her. The worst part is she doesn’t even have the decency to […]