Dear Seeker of Success, Inside the “Approach Anywhere” course within the Hayley Quinn Macking Mega-Pack, Hayley shares great ways to handle things when the woman you approach says she’s “busy”. In this short video clip, watch how you stay in the game – AND show up even more attractive – when she does appear genuinely […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Many years ago, when I was first making my TV talk show rounds, someone asked me, “What do women want?” I said something that nearly caused a riot in the studio audience. “Only an idiot would care what a woman WANTS.” I paused dramatically to deliver the rest of it over […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Before worrying about which twin brother said and did what, or what snacks to bring to the quiz… ….focus on what’s going to actually make pick-up lines and language patterns work more effectively: [HTML1] (UPDATE: we have now opened the doors to the whole shebang.) Peace, RJ
Dear Seeker of Success, Listen: while I was negotiating the licensing agreement with Hayley Quinn, just before putting pen to paper (or in this case, putting “HELL YES” in the reply line and clicking “Send”)…. I twisted her arm one more time and she decided to cough up a free, “Fast Action” Bonus for the […]