Dear Seeker of Success, “Just half an inch?” you ask. That’s right. (Who said bigger is better? he he he) What is my solution to approach anxiety, you ask? My solution is to calm down your physiology and turn down a little bit of that lust going through your body. It’s deceptively easy, but don’t […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Unfortunately, a lot of the “advice” on how to overcome approach anxiety makes it worse. Done repeatedly, it even creates the risk of making approach anxiety (seem like) an incurable condition.
Dear Seeker of Success, A strategy that’s often taught to help you “do better next time” is flawed. Watch this short clip, from Rapid and Total Success With Women, where I demonstrate how this strategy can make previous mistakes with women worse (and lock in your approach anxiety deeper): [HTML1] Peace, RJ P.S. Rapid and […]
Dear Seeker of Success, As I shared yesterday, part of the problem is not anxiety as much as it is an overabundance of excitement going through the circuits. That’s number one. The second thing I think is going on with approach anxiety is an internal conflict between two commands that you’re putting into the system. […]