Sun, Feb 23, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, In our recent post, I briefly touched on… touch… as a way of hooking a woman’s attention during your first conversation. We were going to delve into “imagination” next in this sequence, but…some folks on our mailing list wrote to me asking for examples and demos of touch. We’ve covered this […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Recently, we introduced the concept of hooking a woman’s attention during that first conversation. As we’ve already seen, there are many ways to create the initial “hook” of attention and openness: Let’s go through a few of them now – in no particular order (and I may even throw in a […]
Dear Seeker of Success, How can you hook a woman’s initial interest and attention during your first conversation with her? First: the opening moves in Speed Seduction® are finding out where that person is at. Did you ever see a boxing match between two fighters who really respect or fear each other? They don’t come […]
Dear Seeker of Success, It happens too often. Too many smart men let it happen. After a few failed attempts at meeting women and having conversations with women, they lose confidence and ends up going home. Usually, the night’s still young. So how does the Speed Seducer claim his ability to remain confident throughout the […]