Fri, Jan 10, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, It’s time to be direct like never before. Listen: you can play “safe odds”. Skipping out on this event, staying home, keeping at how you’ve done things up until now, is very low risk. So is continuing to run your MasterbateCard and your Disscover into the ground on $195 “first dates”, […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Contrary what they often teach at Intuition School: Feeling uncertain, hesitant or doubtful is not a sign for you to stop. Rather, that’s a signal to you that you’re about to step past a boundary, to get excited, open up your senses and to ground into your body.
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Recently we covered the importance of being able to identify the meaning of what you’re doing in the first place. Once you have that nailed, the next is developing what’s known as “extraction confidence”. This simply means:
Dear Seeker of Success, In designing and preparing the New Code, I foraged through stacks and stacks of notes and things I’ve been writing to myself. Some elements of this I’ve shared already; but there are five elements of seduction self-mastery that will boost your girl-getting game right away. What is it that enables us […]