Fri, Jan 10, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, One of my favorite all-time sports legends is Muhammad Ali. Now, I am old enough of a fart to remember Ali boxing, in his prime. Back when he was a young fighter, he was so fast, so unpredictable, and had such amazing reflexes that you could actually see the moment when […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In that conversation that you had with that gorgeous woman, what did you talk about? What were the themes? When you sat down to have that conversation, did you think beforehand, “How is my communication going to be structured to capture and lead her imagination and emotion? What effect, if any, […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Some time ago, I covered the importance of creating genuine curiosity within yourself as a key to turbo-charging your success with women.  Not just about women, but about EVERYTHING. Curiosity serves a critical purpose.  What are all the different ways to learn more about a woman in such a way to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, My teacher, Shinzen Young, said, “If you can’t be disciplined, be smart.” If you know you can’t be disciplined to do a practice, commit yourself in some other way. Let me give you an example.