Thu, Jan 09, 2025
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the things that makes your Seduction Language work well is your state.  If you are in a relaxed, alert, grounded state, with a fun and playful attitude, you will open up the receptivity of women and they will be in a place of wanting to respond. In classical hypnosis, […]
Dear Seeker of Success, The other day I had a discussion with my cut-throat, attack-dog, attorney, Adam S. Adam has helped me out of some serious jams during my years of teaching and speaking the truth about the scamsters, con-men and hustlers in the whole “pick/up industry”. (“Helped” is actually an understatement. Adam is on […]
Dear Seeker of Success, The other day I got a phone call from a very successful member of my Elite $15,000 a month coaching program to schedule his private weekend with me. Now, while totally protecting this guy’s privacy, let me tell you a few things you have to know: This guy is an entrepreneur […]
Dear Seeker of Success, The other day something happened to me that would have knocked an amateur on his ass. I gotta admit, it bugged me for all of, oh, let’s say, 2 whole seconds. But back when I was an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump), it would have… …Sank Me Into Despair For Weeks Here’s […]