Wed, Jan 22, 2025
Use Games, Patterns, and (Seemingly Innocent) Conversation To Make Her Do The Seduction Work For You
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I’ve said it before. Properly using the skills and tools inside Speed Seduction®, you can not only make seductive language seem, to her, like seemingly innocent, normal everyday conversation; you can also get her doing most of the work seducing herself. Some students look at me all cross-eyed, like: “Get her […]
Going Negative: Positively Getting Results With Women Through Negation
Dear Seeker of Success, Sometimes being “positive” is not the right way to be, when it comes to women. Now, let me be clear about something-I’m not talking about your attitude. I’m talking about your language. You see, one of the most powerful linguistic tools in existence that can totally blast through a woman’s last […]
Use What She Gives You
Dear Seeker of Success, One of the most frequent questions I get is, “What happens if she x’s when I run a pattern?” X could be “laugh” or “look bored” or whatever “negative” response you might think of. A fundamental principle of any kind of persuasion (and seduction IS a sub-set of persuasion) is, “USE […]
Stop "Doing" Language Patterns (If You Want To Do Her)
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Again and again, until I’ve gone blue in the face, I’ve explained that if you simply recite pick-up lines word-for-word, there IS a chance she’ll laugh in your face or say something mean. This chance increases when you fail to calibrate your verbal and non-verbal communication and the way you utilize […]