Sun, Feb 23, 2025
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Perhaps, in the past you’ve been so confused, and have screwed-up so bad, it boggles your own imagination. To that I say: Welcome to the human condition. So, then you make the decision to take massive action to improve your game and claim the results you want. As you continue to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Up until now, have you thought of Magick as some sort of esoteric, New Age, crazy-ass thing? Many of the principles associated with this thing we call “Magick” are things we normally do anyway, and actually have a real effect. To gain a better understanding of this, let’s look at curses […]
Dear Seeker of Success, When I was kid, I used to love going to Disneyland and drive the “racecourse” Tons of fun doing tight turns, spinning the steering wheel and flooring it. Then My Sister Ruined The Whole Fucking Thing Now pay attention, because there is a CRUCIAL lesson here. She pointed out that the […]
Dear Seeker of Success, A good Magick practice is good for is taking areas of the personality that have been lacking and filling them in a fun way. Let’s say, up until now it has been the case that you weren’t a very bold or adventurous person. Using Magick ritual, you can begin to program […]