Sat, Dec 21, 2024
Dear Seeker of Success, Did you know you can get away with the most outrageous, opening lines if you have one realization and one key rule to follow? I agree it’s important to learn this. That’s because when you do, you’ll be able to meet women anywhere, anytime, and NEVER worry about what to say. […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Something to think about when using pick-up lines and language patterns during your conversations with women. It’s great to know which of the twin brothers did what, understand intellectually the deeper meaning behind that Discovery Channel documentary, etc. But simply saying the “right” words will not automatically cause her panties to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, NOT using the language patterns, techniques, and skills of Speed Seduction® is an insult to good women everywhere. That said, a number of students I’ve spoken with 1:1 feel the patterns don’t reflect your own experiences. “How can I talk about the Discovery Channel if I don’t even have cable?” “I […]
Dear Seeker of Success, There are so many collections of “worst pick-up lines ever” online, even I pulled together my own set. One of the (many) awesome things about Speed Seduction® is: you can use corny, dumb pick-up lines to artfully and effortlessly scale barriers that leave other guys tongue-twisted. While AFCs say “I heard […]