Thu, Mar 13, 2025
An Actual Mental Programming Session For Confidence And Power With Women
Dear Seeker of Success, First, if you haven’t seen it yet, go back and read my post on the difference between associated and dissociated imagery… …and how knowing the difference makes visualization exercises more valuable than just thinking about some chick while you whack off. Once you have that down, you’ll be ready for… An […]
How Breath Helps You Claim Your Power With Your Women, Now
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As I pointed out here, breathing is of vital importance for making any deep level change. We could get into all sorts of meta-physical explanations, but let’s keep it scientific for a while at least. The scientific fact is that if you have a prolonged fear or anxiety response, eventually the […]
How To Easily Use Speed Seduction® Language… Anytime, Anywhere! (Part 2)
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Picking up right where we left off with Part 1, here is the next understanding, based on what I said before: ****Wherever possible, tailor, modify and adapt your language to the unique situation and the unique audience and environment you have in front of you***** How do you do this? Well, […]
How To Easily Use Speed Seduction® Language... Anytime, Anywhere! (Part 1)
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A lot of my students are, well…students.  In college, graduate courses, dance class, cooking class, and glass class (which really “blows”…get it?) So here’s a typical question from a student of mine who goes to school: “Ross, Can Speed Seduction® patterns can be used in a school classroom where there a […]