Mon, Feb 24, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Inside the New Code, I share with you the “Stick In Your Thumb, Make That Girl Cum” technique (that students in our Elite “TOP SECRET” Facebook group are already using successfully) Watch this short video clip for an overview: Peace, RJ P.S. As an extra “fast action” bonus when you claim […]
Dear Seeker of Success, When a woman puts physical distance between you two on the couch, or pulls back just when you think you two are close to “it’s on”, it could be a couple different things. Watch this “Ross Plays With Girls” demo where I explain (this is inside the “New Playing Field” video […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Inside the soon-to-be-released New Code video collection, we extensively cover: a) how to succeed with younger women, and b) how to sexualize your voice, including demos you can follow at home. For both these reasons, watch this clip now: Peace, RJ P.S. As you’ll see tomorrow, I’ve literally just today decided […]
Dear Seeker of Success, A “sneak peek” of the “New Code” video collection – the 10 Sargy Commandments.  Watch this video and then leave your comments and thoughts below. Pay particular attention to the commandment about “theming” hot women. Peace, RJ