Mon, Feb 24, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Enjoy this “sneak peek” clip from our upcoming Day Game Mastery and Mindset Monster video collection. It’s a brief, but action-packed, lesson on how to reset yourself when you get really aroused and horny in the presence of a woman you find highly attractive (and part of a larger demo that […]
Dear Seeker of Success, During a recent “Ask Me Anything” group coaching call for members of our Elite Mastermind and Coaching Program, I shared some thoughts on how to create states in women that make her more open and receptive to you. Watch the short video below, and then imagine having a front-row seat to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, The power of Speed Seduction® for smart men, is the ability to create states of consciousness that make it more likely we’re going to get the behavior we desire from the women we desire. Watch this short video where I expound in greater detail, then imagine yourself getting much more of […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In this video clip, discover how to use “recipes” to get hot women in bed: As you watch the video and realize how much you’d like my 29+ years and 10,000+ hours of teaching, coaching and seduction consulting on your team and in your corner, you’ll click here to learn how […]