Thu, Feb 06, 2025
Even Toy Robots Have Approach Anxiety
Dear Seeker of Success, Have you ever heard the story I tell about the toy robot that I broke? (I share this all the time with people who call in for coaching.) When we were little kids, I used to break my little brother’s toys. One Hanukkah, my sister Anita bought my little brother Steve […]
The Girl-Getting Rule That Sets You Free From Sarge-Subduing Worry, Now!
Dear Seeker of Success, If I told you there was a rule that applied to approaching, meeting, and seducing women that totally set you free to relax and have fun with even the hottest women, from start to finish; from the initial opening approach all the way to having your way with her… …approximately 99 […]
When Your Next "Date" Calls You...Too Soon
Dear Seeker of Success, By “too soon” I mean, the day (or the hour) before the time and place where you two were supposed to get together. A student told me this happens to him “all the time” and cited one instance in particular: She said, “You know what? I have something to tell you.” […]
Just Half An Inch...To Solve Approach Anxiety (Anytime, Anywhere, Even With Her There)
Dear Seeker of Success, “Just half an inch?” you ask. That’s right. (Who said bigger is better?  he he he) What is my solution to approach anxiety, you ask? My solution is to calm down your physiology and turn down a little bit of that lust going through your body. It’s deceptively easy, but don’t […]