Hey Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,
Want to know one of the major reasons why so many guys just absolutely CRUSH IT in business, life, and their pursuit of happiness, EXCEPT when it comes to mastery and mega-success with the ladies?
HINT: It’s all around you.
Watch this video (from one of my recent seminars) and tell me what you think:
Peace and piece,
P.S. What else has you “stuck” when it comes to your girl-getting game, whether you may realize it or not? Want to find out? Then you need to check out my Nail Your Inner Game course.
This is still completely mind blowing, even after following your posts for so long. I remember two years ago this was how I was designed to think. I thought the dating game was the only option available and I didn’t even understand it. I knew love was never about buying things or spending a lot of money taking a girl to a fancy restaurant or to the top of Mount Everest but it seemed to be the only option available. Now I cringe when even hearing the word dating, or dates or any of the disgusting phrases in the dating game language. I tell my friends and family that I don’t believe in dating and that dating does not work and they look at me like I have three heads. It’s so sad that our society brainwashes everyone into believing in a system that makes people miserable.
I want to end up with one spouse eventually but I should not have to find her by only seeing one woman at a time. I’d rather have a bunch of friends with benefits first which from my understanding is what SS encourages (and of course they would all know I am not being exclusive to them, “cheating” is wrong). Through the dating game, the average person falls in love only six times due to the fact that all their time is spent on one woman at a time. Not only that but they don’t really get too physically intimate because they wait for that cliche good night kiss at the doorstep or say that they can’t have sex until after a few dates. You have shown me the light Ross but I hope one day the whole world can understand. I know it may never happen but so many people would be happier if the dating game fell in a pit of fire and burned to ashes.
Also another thing I hate is when women and even men are called whores and sluts. I don’t know is this sounds correct or right but I think that should be a compliment. We all have natural urges for pleasure and sluts get their name for having sex constantly. They are getting their fix while the name callers are probably just begging for sex in order to satisfy their natural urges in ways other than masturbating. As long as there is protection, I don’t think there is such a thing as too much sex. This was just something I was recently thinking and I don’t know how ethical it sound but it’s definitely something to think about. Maybe this is something the condom companies can get to work on. Their sales would go up big time if they spread this message.
I thank you, Father, that you have hidden this from the learned and the wise, and revealed it to the simple and the innocent.
Yes Ross, becoming aware of these all too pervasive messages is akin to a fish suddenly realizing, “Oh, I’m surrounded by water”. These messages aren’t even covert but they’re such a part of our environment and accepted norm, we don’t consciously notice them until we decide to wake up and become vigilant to how our minds react to these stimuli.
Ross, I’ve concluded you’re the Neo of seduction, breaking down the myth of the dating game 🙂
seems 2 make more sense then u normally talk
I’ve also been thinking about this from an evolutionary perspective a lot lately. Effective Birth control is barely a generation old. Enough has been written by others far more learned and eloquent than myself, but historically it makes sense for a woman to be picky and require proof of a man’s commitment before risking getting knocked up. For that matter, reliable paternity testing is still in its infancy as well. You always know who a child’s mother is, not necessarily the father.
So what bearing does this have on Speed Seduction? I would assume that a lot of the cultural momentum for “dating” is supported by both genetic predispositions and deeply ingrained cultural norms. It might be interesting to separate out just how much of the cultural component has been hijacked by advertisers, backed not only by business, but also religion and other groups with The truth.
Now, having set up a scholarly task to last a lifetime, what does it matter who’s to blame? The answer, in short, is no one that can be held responsible.
I’m just getting started with actually using some of this. I’ve already slid back into the “dating” mindset a couple times and got the expected (waste of time) results. SS results have been very encouraging, in spite of a lack of encouragement from “society” in general.
“Maybe this is something the condom companies can get to work on. Their sales would go up big time if they spread this message.”
ever notice how on the Viagra(?) commercials they show a man in an implied traditional relationship, how about a commercial with RicK H having a fivesome? sales would go even further thru the roof
Programming from music and TV etc is not the only sources of creating sexually repressed AFC monsters of war. How about the cumpulsory educational system , which is nothing more than a jail for kids. Boys and girls are seprated in order to emphasize there new gender specific roles, you are inundated with things you don’t want to learn in a haphazard manner, making you more suggestible for further conditioning, similar to the military in many resoects. Then there is religion , sitting in some building being hypnotized which further conditions you, og yes then there is work which further teaches you how to conform. It’s amazing that human raise even manages to reproduce itself, although it does so quite badly sometimes
As Mark Cunningham said on DC 2000, “life is a battle of programmers, people who want to control how you think , feel and act. It’s time to self program”
Hopefully, a little army of fanged termites will gradually grind these self limiting ideas into a pile of dust!
This is just ONE area in which me are manipulated..and like Ross says…other people make money from the manipulation…can one imagine in how many other areas we are “thought” to think in some way??
nice and clear… is true, is really difficult to think in other way, that the datting way when we wanna get some girl.
I have seen and or heard this lesson several times, and i just went back and reviewed my Karaoke playlist and eliminated about ten percent of it, songs like Cryin’ by Roy Orbison, Tears on My Pillow by Little Anthony and the Imperials, a lot of the songs by Bread, and even Billy Joel (Tell Her About It) carry that same pathetic supplicating message. But not all the music on my list carried that same message of supplication, Sunshine Superman by Donovan is a playa telling a girl he is a playa and that he is going to have her, Simultaneous (Chef-ala South Park) is a guy saying I love you baby but I not only need variety but I need it at the same time as I have you :).
The Boss, still the best natural I have ever met, and I were out shooting pool, and singing about a week ago and the Boss got to meet Boots a local barfly. Boots started telling the Boss the secrets about getting women, how you have to let them run the show. Idiocy!
Having studied speed seduction for a while now, I am deeply cognizant of the messages that are put out there, and am even careful when listening to my favorite dance music (Hip Hop) because those kind of messages slip in there too.
Thing is women are not immune to this either. Got a nasty text from a woman all pissed off (apparently I’m a tight ass), who I didn’t offer to buy a drink for. (You can imagine what happened to her phone number-just cannot seem to find it in my phone anymore.) It is refreshing for them, most of the time though, when they meet guys who carry a strong energy, and who don’t do all the stupid shit that guys do whether they do the typical AFC supplicating behavior, or the assholes dominating behavior, or follow the tried and true disgusting strategy of boozing a girl into submission….yeah thats classy.
Dating’s for AFC’S CONFIRMED! thanks Ross , I’m looking forward for some of ur coaching, very useful ur teaching has been for me.
thanks ross, it makes a helluwa sense !! most of them hollywood movies are dangerous ! 😀