Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
A student of mine had been hanging out a lot with a female friend of his. Older, looks younger, smart and gorgeous.

Throughout their conversations, he worked in some Sarginess, such as the infamous Paris Hilton joke and some of the advanced patterns on her.
Well, she caught him a few times on the patterns and then said “Stop using that Tony Robbins shit on me. We’re just friends.”
He was telling me this over the phone, otherwise I would have high-fived and maybe even chest-bumped with him because
When A Woman Says, “Stop Using That.
We’re Just Friends” That Could Mean
She’s Actually Feeling It
As in, it’s working and getting into her system.
For reals.
If she wasn’t having a sexual response that kind of jarred her a little bit, she’d just laugh it off.
When it works, she’ll not only give you verbal responses about what you say, but you’ll notice things going on in her body.

She may make a sound to herself, like saying, “Mm.”
She may touch her chest and do a facial expression when she accesses the feeling.
Those sounds, facial expressions and gestures are her self-anchors.
If you know how to spot them, you can fire them off and she’ll never know what you’re doing.
P.S. We have demos of Sargy conversation and language patterns in action – galore – inside the world-famous Rapid and Total Success With Women system.
If you have not yet claimed your instant online access, the only thing standing between you and your results with your women who you truly desire and want to be with, is your decision that today is the last day of the way you used to be.
She would rather catch her husbore or borefriend acting normal? jeese
LOL @Harry
That comment LOL