Dear Seeker of Success,
I received an interesting note from a student the other day, on the subject of getting physically intimate with women after he’s got them all hot and bothered and ready for action.
Here’s an excerpt:
As I’ve developed my skills with women, a sticking point of mine has become increasingly evident. It’s my “fear” of physical intimacy. I’ve gotten pretty good, and now often get to the point in the seduction where I need to make a bold move (physically) and I “lock up.”
Of course, I rationalize it: “Nah, I f@@qed up with that line I used, and she doesn’t want me now.” Bu11s**t!
Looks like you’ve crossed the Rubicon, my friend.
Now that your girl-getting game has changed, you’re finding yourself in situations where this change is bumping up against other things below the surface.
Here are some uber-important, mission-critical, must-implement principles about change:
- Anything you play over and over in your head (past failures with women) is just reinforced. The brain doesn’t tell the difference between reviewing your “freezing” or “f@@qups” with women, vs. REHEARSING them.
- You need to set and honor an intention to “stay safe” and have the opportunity to express yourself sexually in a way that feels good for YOU. Continually ask your brain how you can take steps to have a good, fun, positive sexual experience and still feel safe, good, strong and fun, when going for what you want.
- Be aware that even as you change your inner game, old patterns will manifest. So when you “freeze up” with a new woman, the brain will try to ask “what is familiar for me to do here?” and take you where you’ve always gone. It will “stiffen you up” and NOT in the way you want to be “stiff” in that moment.
Important: learning to ask your brain the RIGHT questions will begin redirecting your brain AWAY from the old pattern of freezing up.
P.S. Wouldn’t you like a way to take any and all confusion, frustration, and stuckness you’ve ever experienced with women, and immediately convert it to pure, immediately usable learning?
We’ve got a way.
We’ll show you in London on July 30h and 31st.
Just to thank you again for the prize in the last post. Just this week a famous sport writer called Armando Nogueira, died here in Brazil, who happened to be great friend of my father… Today local tv was replaying an enterview he gave in 2007, when he was 79yo. One of his passions was flying and the reporter, Angelica, hot babe, was goingto a fly with him, then she asked: “do you feel fear, or a even a litlle cold in your belly, when you´re going to pilot a plane?” He answers: ” if I ask this to any pilot in the world, and he answers me that he´s not afraid AT ALL, i´m sorry, but you´ll never get me into that plane… In that particular case, fear is a natural response to something that is challenging, but what you choose to do with your fear is what sets the difference between beeing succesful an failing completely, instead of freezing in front of fear he INTERPRETS this not as sign of danger, but as sign to controling your emotions and doing things right…” I realize how this applies not only to planes and babes, but also to any other field in our lives…
[…] “Breaking Out” From Fear Of Physical Intimacy “Breaking Out” From Fear Of Physical Intimacy […]
Also when a women says “Do you live around here?” or “I will do “martial arts ” with you” can take one by surprise