Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
In this short video, watch this unique technique for helping a student overcome approach anxiety.
It starts with him talking real dirty to a woman, right to her face, and goes from there:
Peace and piece,
P.S. Among the several techniques I touch on in this video is grounding.
Part of showing up attractive involves the use of “grounding”, breath and profound personal acceptance to begin pulling women immediately, BEFORE you master any social/seduction skills!
Master all of this – and much more – inside Rapid and Total Success With Women >>>
You should talk about this more Ross. The approach fear is the crux of all the problems and you don’t talk about it enough. You would get even more interest if you did because it is the number one concern.
Ross your video player is way too slow even with my great internet connection speed.
Brian, please write to with your comment. They are my tech support and will look into it.
great video.
My high school Spanish teacher used to say, “If you’re bored, you’re boring.”