Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
Whether you’re getting back in the game after a long absence, coming off the short end of a real-hate-shun-ship, or just really getting focused on mastering your girl-getting game, the frame you approach with makes all the difference.
Peace and piece,
P.S. Are you ready to experience profound personal trance-formation while you learn exactly what it takes to breakthrough with women and get the success you want and deserve in 2012? Click here to find out how I can help.
[…] getting focused on mastering your girl-getting game, the frame you approach with makes all … Continue reading → [Source: Ross Jeffries Uncensored] Tags: absence, Fun, Learning, ross jeffries, speed seduction, […]
You never speak about confidence and self-esteeme, maybe those words don’t mean anything and are the result of growing in a functional environment and loving yourself, but this is the unexpected gift that the study of SS gave me, god bless you
@AM Thanks! I think “self-esteem” is really a bit of a neurolinguistic boogeyman and really refers to a cluster of skills.
1 Unit Of Action To 1 Unit Of Thought…
…What am I doing here then…
See Yerzz…
Cutie got on the elliptical machine next to me today. Wasn’t up for chatting while I exercised, but afterward I said, “I wasn’t sure about you in those long sleeves for a while, but I like that blue (hat) and peach (shirt after she took the sweatshirt off) together. Took her a minute to process the first part, but then, “Oh yeah, yeah, thanks,” nodding with a big happy smile. It was fun and one more with firmly bouncing assets scooted by me on the way down the stairs.
One thing I’ve been doing even with the good feelings is running them through the I.G. transformer. When I’m walking away from a 30 second conversation and a nice smile feeling like I just got laid, that’s a lot of compressed energy to be refined as well. Working with that one program over nearly 2 years now has made a huge, ongoing and tremendously positive difference in my life.
I want to say thank you Uncle Ross! Your work has changed my life. You know who I am, thanks!
@Anon Not really…who are you?
Hey Ross,
Thanks for this blog…I feel I have been a little stuck lately due to being so serious (joker…”why so serious?”..ha ha). Anyhoo, I did have a successful experience (at least in loosening up my rigidity before going out to sarge). I used to do “humor exercises” where I would purposely try to act silly, make myself laugh, dance and do other awkward things for about 30 min.
I did this recently and once I was in a playful, humorous, loose, not-so-serious state of mind… I would anchor this state by grabbing my left wrist. The last time I did this, I was at a party and there was a cute girl present, and I fired off the anchor. I did find myself change states and as a result made people laugh and I acted a lot more bolder than usual. I’m still working on this and hope that this will contribute to my success. This blog reminded me of how important that state is.
@Ethan, that is awesome. You see that using movement, sound and imagery can create states.
Now you want to add in being grounded in your body: putting 20% of your attention on the felt sensation of your weight on the ground through your feet and breathing into a soft belly.
And, right before you go out, visualize yourself walking into a room and then imagine being inside a woman’s body as she looks at you and thinks, “Damn, this guy is hot..gotta know him!”
Then visualize leaving with her and fucking her senseless, from your perspective AND hers!
Why not visualize success in this way? It doesn’t guarantee anything but it opens up the neural circuits of possibility.
Remember a time when we spoke on skype this year. You told me to turn my “you’s” into “i’s”. Have you ever wondered what the next generation of seducers will be like? I have a quick question on this and something else that is very intriguing as you are the only one who is pioneering the seduction and NLP community. How is it best to contact you as I cannot communicate publicly due to the nature of my identity.