Today, I am sharing the fourth (and final) video in a series where I relate some key girl-getting concepts that I shared with a student during a one-on-one consult.
Here goes: so many of us try to “figure out” how to get women, but ultimately there’s something else more important.
Click below to watch, then leave your comments:
Peace and piece,
P.S. Since enjoying damn near ridiculous levels of success, satisfaction and pleasure with the most amazing women around is something you are highly interested in, then you need the girl-getting power of 12 years of my absolute best seduction research, breakthroughs and innovation that’s jam-packed inside Speed Seduction® 3.0.
This is what is happening to me, actually when I practice with it is very rewarding and cool while I’m on action and even after cause I love to learn and it feels cool, but in the before is where I’ve been struggling, to even move my ass and go out and sarge then approaching. “to make the jump.”
Nice embedded commands…stay invested in the skills and interested in girl..n keep going…
There is a lot i have learnt from you RJ, and I am sure I will keep learning from you..for a very long time 🙂
Thanks for showing us all the path..;)
I love your insights about the topic of learning a skill. It’s SO true what you say, Ross!
Hi Ross,
You are absolutelly right. I’m stack in thinking only instead of doing things. This leads to nowhere even if girls giving me credit because of my apperance because males got to do the show and females got assess if its pleasing or not.
Have a great day,
I was stuck in this way too up until a couple of weeks ago. You can get really comfortable learning new skills, visualising, rehearsing etc… but not trying it out in the real world, where it matters! I’m getting past this by getting leverage on myself to making action inevitable. You can hold yourself accountable to a buddy or one I used the other week, which was to throw away £50 if I didn’t chat up at least 3 women whilst out getting some stuff. I figured throwing away money was more painful than approaching some hot ladies and hence made my outcome inevitable!
thanx dan
I agree Ross. I bought some of your products when I was about 20 years old and in college and didnt really see any results with women though many women consider me to be good looking as well. I knew so much more theory and what to do in certain situations than most guys but I just wasn’t acting on what I knew and I was not developing any skills. I am someone who was very much in my own head and sort of quiet and introverted. I was into learning but I was not doing. It wasn’t until about 5 years ago when I was 25 that I really had had enough and started to really go out in the field and apply what I knew and learn from my mistakes with women. Now I am still a young guy 30 years old and things have completely turned around for me but I want to stress that you can listen to these tapes and watch video’s but things will not change for you and you will not improve until you go out in the real world and practice. Now I consider myself very successful with women but still look back to my college years as a total waste with women because I was not out there practicing and improving. It’s like people who want to lose weight and read about what they should eat and exercise but then they don’t practice what they know and only go to the gym infrequently and wonder why they don’t see results. We are what we do consistently and if you are really willing to practice what you know with women out in the real world you will eventually see great results like I have and will continue to have. Thanks Ross.
makes alot of sence i have the same problem. i think about doing it and running scenes of what might happen. but i always put it off . because im scared of the being rejected and not getting anywhere. i watch your youtube videos . i have your free starter (thats advertised above) but i still dont act . for the amount of times i think about doing it.
More than that – NON-INVESTING in the girls and 100% investing in the SKILLS. Finally the girls will leave you or not but the skills will stay with you for the rest of your life -) Great video! This is the hard truth.
Very nice I like the contrast about investing in the skill set and not the sarge of the particular target at hand.
Also I have have found that for any element of the sarge be be stated well (walk-up, building comfort, patterning language, closing) I have to practice it in the field AT LEST 20 times before I can attribute any unexpected result to anything other then I’m currently moving up the learning curve with a new skill set / technique.
“Take actual ACTION,”
“Be invested in the technique, just interested in the girl.”
The prophet speaks
It´s like when you are in driving school, you are there to aquire the skill of driving, so it´s not so important the final result of where you´re driving to, although you must be aware you´re not entering a wrong way… After you learn the skills you can get pretty much anywhere with your car… One of the things that helped me in the beginning was to actuallly say to the woman that i´m learning this stuff, like ” i´ve been studing this kind of communication technology, that says that every human has some unconcious processes that ends ruling some of our actions in the real life, and they say that if you learn how to identify these processes you can actually improve almost any area in your life, i don´t know if I believe this, but for example…” and then I introduce the topic of how people can learn about themselves… It really assisted me a lot, specially because it´s absolutely true and congruent, since practcing these skils was helping ME to learn about MYSELF.
Funny thing is that this is exactly the same thing I’m planning to do (this what I need to do!).. Hope there will be more practical tools tough!
In the beginning it almost sounded like african drum music. Wouldn’t it be great if you put some african drum beats in the backround of this video and then placed some jungle plants behind you Ross? I think that would be great.
Cool video!!
You’re the man Ross =)
I think invested in the techniques and invested in finding out about the girl sounds great!
Two critical points in this video!
I believe that the first piece of advice – do more, act wasn’t really possible for me until I understood and internalized the second point and became invested in learning the skills as opposed to focusing solely on one woman.
In fact, all my learning was quite inefficient, serious, and not much FUN until this second point clicked.
Ross it would be great if you could talk a little bit about a sticking point that I had and still have which is the feeling that it is somehow wrong to “seduce” women.
I think for me its the fact that I had to let go of my preconceived romantic notions of how I wanted things to be instead of letting go of resistance and seeing what was really happening and how much fun it is for me and the woman to drop my old patterns.
Your complimentary track helped me out tremendously with this.
You rock thanks so much for doing what you do!
you ‘ve just hited! let’s move on!
Hey guys,
Cool comments. The world rewards those who ACT… no good sitting on our hands and ‘thinking’ about approaching beautiful women – that doesn’t deliver the results we want. Practice builds competence; competence builds confidence so set yourself a goal of approaching say 10 women a day. You can start off practicing with ‘average’ looking ones and move on up to more hotter ones. What’ve you got to loose.
All the best
Very true. Add in one piece: practice preparing your state that you want to be in when you sarge.
Practice body awareness. Meaning, practice putting your attention on the feeling in your feet, the breath in your belly, and a relaxed awareness around the face and eyes. HOLD your body awareness. OWN it.
Think of a cross. The horizontal bar represents the social skills of relating outward with others. The vertical bar is how you relate to your own body, your own flow of energy, how you connect your mind in with your flesh, blood, sinew and “energy”.
Social skills are important-going out sideways. And ASOCIAL skills-the skills of relating to your own flow of feeling and body awareness, are also VERY important. As you stay grounded in yourself and response-able for your own state, what happens outwardly with others changes powerfully for the better
Good advice for sho! Where do you come up with all of this stuff, Ross?
every video i feel my conciousness becoming stronger. Staying invested in the skills, that is one of my biggest breakthroughs so far. why? because instead of asking my self the same questions most guys do, how can i get her home? how can i get her to kiss me? now im asking myself, what state of mind/emotion is she in, where do i need to lead her using her imagination as the guide!
No longer am i focused on getting a number or if she likes me, more now than ever i am focused on things like, did i keep awareness the whole time of my tonality, was i able to make her percieve me through her unconcious without her concious guards up, did i change her state of emotion? i know i am still VERY early on, but its been a week and already last night a girl came round to my house after only 2 or 3 conversations and a coupl texts!!! this stuff is really working!
That shift in your consciousness is already the key to winning. Good man…keep Sarging!